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welcome to quaran'zine

A collection of quarantine stories

A note from the editor

This quarantine era ‘zine is a place for people to share the art they created during this unprecedented experience. Everyone has a unique story from the last few months, and these remotely created works represent the diverse talents and experiences at USC. Although we are no longer on campus, it is inspiring to see the arts community continue to thrive and we hope that this collection of student stories serve as a reminder that though separate, we are not alone. 


​I also want to take this opportunity to especially thank the
talented Black artists who submitted work. Your words and
art are not only overwhelmingly relevant, but extremely
powerful. Though this ‘zine contains only a small sample of
your work, it is evident that your art will continue to be a
critical force in the world.



Alexandra + ART/EMIS

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Artemis is an intersectional feminist production company dedicated to producing the work of female and non-binary artists on USC's campus. 

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